Thursday, September 17, 1998

Man is only a man, God only a God !

What is Attachment ?
Is Attachment happiness ??
Is Attachment enjoyment ??

Why Attachment exists ?
Some say, Nature is detached from everything.
Why see ! Sea is attached to rocks.
Its water adhered to sand, shining.

What is Renunciation ?
Is Renunciation the ultimate goal ?
Is it Godly unification ?

Well, Man is only a man.
He asks, "Is it that Attachment is Renunciation of God
and Renunciation is Attachment of God ?"
God remains silent, for God is only a God.


17 Sept 1998

Wednesday, February 4, 1998

My Parents' Pleasure

My father : He is a man of substance
You cannot please him easily.
You do right, you do good
Happiness shows on his face hazily.

Daddy is gay where there is joy,
He is grave when there is grief.
He never cries (He has not learnt to cry).
He is please to see others happy.
He can even help a lame to climb the cliff.

My mother : She is a moody woman
She is happy this moment, sad next moment.
She is devoted to her service.
You can please her easily; just do what she wants,
do it in the style she wants it to be done.

But there is one thing which astonishes me
My parents do not crave for pleasure
They believe in destiny
They do their work in time; enjoy during leisure.


for a school competition...