Tuesday, December 26, 2017

On knowledge

 For the humble man, the knowledge that they have knowledge forms a source of great pleasure and not vanity.



For the right man, the knowledge that they have knowledge forms a source of great pleasure and not vanity.



For any man, the knowledge of possessing understanding should be THE source of greatest pleasure.

Internet Emotions

At this Internet instant
Friend 1 tells Friend 2
just like that
out of nowhere
like a popup notification
without a ding
that a month ago
Friend 1 miscarried...

Post an amicable exchange,
Some amount of
jokes and pleasantries
-- the bedrock of
quotidian conversation --,
Them catching up after
More than a few months.

Makes me muse momentarily
Life is such a fleeting blip
of a tragedy.

Momentary Melancholia sigh ...
Is that even a thing !?

At this next Internet instant,
notification panel lights up,
-- Again, and with a ding! --
then a photo of Friend 2's niece,
her missing front tooth
embellishing her open grin :D

Moment to moment
Life reminding itself
Its many possibilities,
recommending sentimentality
and not ubiquitous boredom
at this Internet instant.

Who knows
The poet too might have heard
on some other boring day
the cry of the miscarriager
the shout of the child
Losing its milk teeth
from neighbouring huts
by the flowing river
that's maybe dry by now,
And momentarily paused...

Monday, September 18, 2017

Funnies + Trouble + Father's Day

Many people in times of distress, anxiety often turn to black crafts and the like to make sense of the helplessness. In good times they may be perfectly rational, not requiring the supernatural.

In my bad times, on the other hand, I have talked to my father. 

Saturday, June 24, 2017


Like the bountiful river
         running a beautiful show
                 every morning, every night
Knows not any dry spell,
                                rough weathers.

What is it celebrating?
                                     You tell me.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Have to write now
Because letters sometimes have to be printed on the page.

Not sleepy yet,
Took the day off work,
Finished eating the meals,
Gave some time to personal care,
Talked to the important persons in life,
-- they are busy / asleep now --
Internet's down; could have built a paper plane,
taking guidance from world experts,
Too late to play the flute,
might disturb the neighbours (ah the pastoral life!)

Writing is equally fine,
And it suits me well,
and as said earlier,
Letters may remain air-borne or printed on the page,
But the breath must be a busy breath,
Yet, there is all the time in the world,
there is no hurry.