Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Trophy of Pity

Like any other day
the robust sturdy booth-phone
could not conceive kind from cruel,
stayed silent to the old lady's requests.
That day he picked a cell phone from
the tender trophy of pity,
Gave it to the old lady. In return,
She picked a dollar from
the generous depths of kindness,
offered it to him.

On another day, when lucky he got
free treasures of smiles and ebullience
to top a worried load of confused queries
that lost tourists carry along with water bottles,
He foolishly gave back help muddled with
the wrong form of pity.

Pity for the free man somewhere
must be a celebration.
The trophy of pity,
he makes heavy on his silly days.
He is striving to feel worthy,
join the free men.

On such silly days his shackles invent muddle
giving humble pity (accepting simple inadequacy).
Cling to bizarre strengths that are not there.
He imagines the free man keeps it uncomplicated,
and through this straight path of dignity,
to simple free caring pays homage.

On some lucid days,
His same shackles have shown him the song
that keeps playing on all days,
off his human bundle and many others
bumbling along cutely in indescribable motion,
reminding of smokes of tobaccos and incense,
few solid flashes and all dissolving wisp.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

For G

Dearest, the dear thought of you
be dearer than dearest habits
love unto me past my weary habits
Today together close on Earth 
tethered to the Sun in ritual  
forever in love 
love grows to a lovely habit

Dearest, time seems fated to forever flow
and so hope forever are we  
But timeless is free of fate's blow
It is for the taking priceless and free
Since your coming to me
I sometimes feel I am freed
forever from all time and me


PS :  first date Oct' 11

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A good advice to the quarreling lover

Be a man and step up
to the absurd

Thus will transform
the quiet, hale tautologies
to reinforcing, hearty emotion.

Remember though
The absurd through anger
Will bake crazed, uneven ridiculous.

Only through tenderness
Will the man in love
Become a man elevated

to love.

I embrace you absurdity,
my long lost friend.


Oct '11 in front of the lovely angel and soldier in Philly 30th street station
Thanks to Mukti M. for the advice

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Dear Mirror dear mirror
I want you to know sure
You are so just, just funny.

Most days you do the talking;
tell me "you're fat, you're fat !"
Some days you like me, fancy that !
tell me "you're getting thin surely !"

But I admit you are not just few-dimensional.

You are gracious too, quibble less
Of clothes and handsomeness.

Your nebulous other dimensions
Better not become silently unforgiving.
Obstinacy can be handled,
Coaxed even to forgive
the truth or lie.

Best when you be foolish company,
Dancing and Singing in lockstep
With me.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Feynman on Beauty

Dear Feynman,

Your description - like always ! - is extremely heartfelt and beautiful.

Your point of view is the essence of openness. I would humbly like to add a point not explicitly mentioned. That is the element of habit. As you say, the aesthetic beauty of the flower is available to the human any time he so wishes. Then, how can he fail to see - as a scientist - the aesthetic beauty of a flower ? The danger is - if I were to take the side of your artist friend - that the scientist might get so habituated to the scientific way of thinking that it may sometimes become hard for him or her to sort of suspend that mode while experiencing the common beauty of the flower. This I put forth based on personal experience and from observing other scientists too. This is exactly what most of the humour in The Big Bang Theory - a TV series, not what we as physicists think usually ! - is based upon.

I have felt (and it has been and is being demonstrated empirically) that the human brain has qualitatively different modes of thought and experience. It is to the imbalance in using these modes that your friend might reasonably react. And for some reason, I am certain that you've recognized this point even when you say you don't understand how scientific knowledge can subtract from the appreciation of beauty. For it can not. Overdone scientific habit can. Similarly, the knowledge of art, artistic thinking and history of human aesthetics can only add to the appreciation of beauty. And similarly too, overdone artistic habit can subtract. To the credit of the curiousness of the scientist, he or she feels a lesser need to ask this question of other thinkers and doers such as artists. And it is a curious historical fact that we as scientists have been most asked this question as almost an accusation. Though the question in itself is interesting in all sorts of ways as you would say !

Your QED is still doing well, and you still are and always will be a phenomenon of Nature as you were in your time as a human on Earth. I wish I had met you in person.

yours truly,