Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Come we alone, alone go on
In this big river with many a men
The small wake that's left astern
Is not meant to come any back,

Make it of love, my lone friend,
let the music of love awake you
every day, thus forever cleansed  ...

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Why of Shit that happens / First Heartbreak's (mild) PTSD ...

Some philosophers toil for
The Why of What's out there,
The primal cause.

That is because
sitting on an armchair
is eminently relaxing,
moreover indulgent confusion
can be forgotten for a while ...

But what is In here
Is here and dealing with it
does not at all mean that
Shit may not hit the fan,

Man may forget that's all --
the Why of What happens ...
What is that ? Get it ?
Forget, not try Get, I beg me,
Not Got mostly begets


Direct Sermonizing :

In some lucky cases,
Getting gets regretfully forgotten,
If Man is wise and lucky,
Getting is gently never forgotten.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The many circuits of the Brain / Stupid moment in front of an attractive lady

Today in the corridor,
Caught in a silly moment,
I did laugh silently at itself,
Ego was busy elsewhen,
Incisors and Tongue were charged
to warmly hug each other,
Observations of that moment
mirthfully acknowledged
by several circuits in the brain
Now busy transcribing that moment.


Sermon on Ego :

Ego combining well with observational truth and having a good work-idle balance is ideal.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Swimming as Metaphor, etc. / Lancaster Aquatic Center to Deparmtment building

The water swims around the body,
                                       the eddies nearby around,
Next lane girl let's presume teases,
                                    lying on her back,
                                              just out of the pool,
                                                           her shapely legs crossed,
                                                                                stretched up in air;
                                                                                               her friend's kittenish comment
Floats to the mind conditioned to avoid the beholding sight,
                                                      the goggled eyes cannot keep away,
                                                                              chaotic eddies in the brain I bet,
Pushing away from the wall gets easier as they leave,
                                                   discounting the noises in the brain,
When the eddies settle for five seconds,
                             -- the water, the breath, the bubbles,
                                                        and the taut, relaxed body is all there is --
and come back again.

Out of the water,
             familiar faces from the pool recede away like a short tide,
                                 the summery warmth outside agrees as if on a cool beach,
Prompts a longer route back,
                         cheers, shout-out to swimming
                                                           in the surrounding glory.

The hospital campus arrives on the right bank as expected,
                                               Tears choking the obese woman on phone,
Cigarette smoke drowning softly nearby
                                   a man's head with a leg on cast,
                                             -- swimming out for a while for him --
& others' busy getting cured & curing.

A swallow glides above in its water,
                              straight towards the west sun,
Hospitals left behind soon,
                             moving on,
                                    soon in a sea of youth,
Queens & Champs of the present,
                       in flow to their final exams this week,
                                             with utmost seriousness or without.


University of Kentucky Campus, Lexington,

Saturday, May 2, 2015

An answer to Rabbi's "why create, just be" based on personal tragedies

Just being by oneself
Being now very painful,
Every other thing that be
Bringing that what was
sometime recently past
a coupled mode of being -- in love
e.g. with your songs --
into a stark relief of what was
and is painfully not.

Therefore create,
to create a healthier escape plan
from being in pain, not caring
for the time being at least
that eventually to be with it
better be becoming.