Monday, October 28, 2019

Miracle and Explanation / Via Postal Mail

God came to me
the other day
via postal mail
Of all routes

And yet I did not
Accept the blessing
Looked for an explanation
When a simple miracle
would have done just fine

Still the urge remained
The urge is a blessing too
But then we often forget
Miracle and explanation
Are like familiar family cousins
Why pick favourites


A miracle is not something that has no explanation. Rather it is something that requires no explanation. The soul just happens to be moved by it, mundane or otherwise.


PS: inspired by Pujnan's 2018 bday gift "fiasco"

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Funnies + average + down

Today I realized how average I am: even when feeling down about it, there was no great hysteria, no severe depression, no suicidal thoughts. Just a dull background pall that could almost be ignored with some effort.

Monday, April 29, 2019

The People Labeler

There he was
The people labeler
At the waiting hall,
His perfect hunting ground.

There goes the important man,
Who needs to cut the line,
There the fat man
Irritated at everything and everyone,
Nearby the jovial father playing with his children,
The clever -- in fact outright devious --
Advertising people behind the giant TV ads,
The listless officer, heck the average diligent worker over there,
The impatient people scattered around,
The talkative know-it-alls mixed in among them,
Ready to laugh, talk over, not listen, tell jokes,
The full show on...

Like a child
With a virgin plastic wrap,
Bursting away the perfect little bubbles
What was his label,
The proud, skillful
People labeler?


PS: At Bbsr airport while returning from Bbsr to Mum