Saturday, December 19, 2015

Human Affairs and the Universe

Which is the background,
What constitutes the foreground ?
Is it the grand scale of far ancient light
From the dying star's supernova
Following the shortest paths
Around the Universe in elegance
Some ending in its eyes, provoking them,
Or the twitchings in our conversations
Powering our twenty-four hour days,
A few delivering shocks to the core,
As opposed to the ecstatic brain,
Most keeping us busy with sanity ?


PS : the supernova referred to was Refsdal

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

For N / That first time

lovely young creature there she was
in his sure arms
her coy face hid in the nook
of his shoulders

snug and together there they were
that first time
in between desire and affection
their bodies aligned

time romanced away in comfort's touch
they with each other
until radiant there she climaxed
in blessed joyful laughter


lovely young creature there she was
in his sure arms
her coy face hid in the nook
of his shoulders

snug and together there they were
their bodies lined up
between desire and affection
that first time

time romanced away in comfort's touch
they with each other
until radiant there she climaxed
in blessed joyful laughter


lovely young creature there she was
in his sure arms
her coy face hid in the nook
of his shoulders

snug and together there they were
that first time
in between desire and affection
their bodies aligned
her shy anticipation giddy incredulity
his simple attraction

time romanced away in comfort's touch
they with each other
until radiant there she climaxed
in blessed joyful laughter


lovely young creature there she was
in his sure arms
her coy face hid in the nook
of his shoulders

snug and together there they were
their bodies lined up
in between desire and affection
that first time
her shy anticipation giddy incredulity
his simple attraction

time romanced away in comfort's touch
they with each other
until radiant there she climaxed
in blessed joyful laughter

Monday, November 9, 2015


Beautiful Places exist
To make the lonely ones
Believe in forgetting
To make the lucky ones
Rejoice in the other.


Kentucky Theatre, Downtown Lexington

Friday, September 18, 2015

What is needed to be happy ?

A filled stomach is a good place to start. To discuss the preconditions of happiness. To discuss the haves and the have nots. To be the haves and not the have nots. To crack up uncontrollably on way back home upon seeing the silliest event : A man in a cartoon suit roller-skating down the road shouting Wildcats on an ordinary day.


18th Sept, 15 Lexington, KY

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


The small audience looked bored, getting fidgety,
Eyes focused on other things, avoiding each other maybe,
Ears fancied bird-chirping, muted noises a farther,
Feet shifted just so, semblance of silence's sake,
The morning weather in the quadrangle little louder, imminent

During this average celebration of some occasion,
Conviction carried on unembarrassed, caring not much for grace,
Like a lost ant unsteadily carrying a morsel for the colony,
As the oblivious man recited three long didactic poems,
exchanged inspiration for the simple obvious, in harmony with all.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ekla Chalo Re / The displaced man in the globally connected world

When your call is heard
                                 by the void,
Sit down,
           voice it again to yourself ...
What gives courage
                           you may not be learned
Circle about, roam,
                         wonder along with silence ...
Storm, despair, clueless
                            if scare you to a lonely corner
Reinforcements will arrive
                                   formed of trees and bugs and light
When your call is heard by none
                                           walk on away
Let the vital air circle in and about,
                                        let it have its simple sway.


PS : "Ekla Chalo Re" is a famous Bengali poem by Rabindranath Tagore.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is not - Samuel Johnson

Variations :

Kindness can be practiced even when fondness eludes.

That annoying kid you can't stop cursing at becomes that annoying person you don't think about.

Smile genuinely in genuine quietness.

Cupping the bug, throwing out the window, using nets, not killer sprays.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

which want wanted which wasted ? / living in the past

What words were written
never known never know
thoughts toil, tumble through,
cough clamour coil crash

which want wanted which wasted ?
erratic energy expended, end-lessly examined

Monday, July 6, 2015

On Gentleness

Goodness Emanates,
No Theatrics,
Limber Esthetics,
Never Effacing,
Serving Strength.

Listening to Coke Studio's version of Rangbati Song

Life courses now through veins,
through every pore, hair and fibre,
through all times resting in the ashes
In to this mile marker of this journey ...

Bande Utkala Janani :)


Rangbati is a hugely popular folk song from Western Odisha, India.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Liar's Paradox Resolved + Funnies

L :  I am lying.

LR : I am contradicting.


Explanation : One can always say the "contradict" of what the other says irrespective of the truth value of the subject matter in discussion, i.e truth/lie is about the truth value of some statement, while contradictory can also be an attitude and that resolves the paradox :D

Monday, June 1, 2015

Fortune Cookie Funnies

Fortune Cookie : You will make a sudden rise in life.
I hope not in waist size !

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Come we alone, alone go on
In this big river with many a men
The small wake that's left astern
Is not meant to come any back,

Make it of love, my lone friend,
let the music of love awake you
every day, thus forever cleansed  ...

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Why of Shit that happens / First Heartbreak's (mild) PTSD ...

Some philosophers toil for
The Why of What's out there,
The primal cause.

That is because
sitting on an armchair
is eminently relaxing,
moreover indulgent confusion
can be forgotten for a while ...

But what is In here
Is here and dealing with it
does not at all mean that
Shit may not hit the fan,

Man may forget that's all --
the Why of What happens ...
What is that ? Get it ?
Forget, not try Get, I beg me,
Not Got mostly begets


Direct Sermonizing :

In some lucky cases,
Getting gets regretfully forgotten,
If Man is wise and lucky,
Getting is gently never forgotten.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The many circuits of the Brain / Stupid moment in front of an attractive lady

Today in the corridor,
Caught in a silly moment,
I did laugh silently at itself,
Ego was busy elsewhen,
Incisors and Tongue were charged
to warmly hug each other,
Observations of that moment
mirthfully acknowledged
by several circuits in the brain
Now busy transcribing that moment.


Sermon on Ego :

Ego combining well with observational truth and having a good work-idle balance is ideal.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Swimming as Metaphor, etc. / Lancaster Aquatic Center to Deparmtment building

The water swims around the body,
                                       the eddies nearby around,
Next lane girl let's presume teases,
                                    lying on her back,
                                              just out of the pool,
                                                           her shapely legs crossed,
                                                                                stretched up in air;
                                                                                               her friend's kittenish comment
Floats to the mind conditioned to avoid the beholding sight,
                                                      the goggled eyes cannot keep away,
                                                                              chaotic eddies in the brain I bet,
Pushing away from the wall gets easier as they leave,
                                                   discounting the noises in the brain,
When the eddies settle for five seconds,
                             -- the water, the breath, the bubbles,
                                                        and the taut, relaxed body is all there is --
and come back again.

Out of the water,
             familiar faces from the pool recede away like a short tide,
                                 the summery warmth outside agrees as if on a cool beach,
Prompts a longer route back,
                         cheers, shout-out to swimming
                                                           in the surrounding glory.

The hospital campus arrives on the right bank as expected,
                                               Tears choking the obese woman on phone,
Cigarette smoke drowning softly nearby
                                   a man's head with a leg on cast,
                                             -- swimming out for a while for him --
& others' busy getting cured & curing.

A swallow glides above in its water,
                              straight towards the west sun,
Hospitals left behind soon,
                             moving on,
                                    soon in a sea of youth,
Queens & Champs of the present,
                       in flow to their final exams this week,
                                             with utmost seriousness or without.


University of Kentucky Campus, Lexington,

Saturday, May 2, 2015

An answer to Rabbi's "why create, just be" based on personal tragedies

Just being by oneself
Being now very painful,
Every other thing that be
Bringing that what was
sometime recently past
a coupled mode of being -- in love
e.g. with your songs --
into a stark relief of what was
and is painfully not.

Therefore create,
to create a healthier escape plan
from being in pain, not caring
for the time being at least
that eventually to be with it
better be becoming.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Unlikely Friendships

Moss growing through Cracks
On the Stone Wall
Under the blazing Sun
seemed to need some more help ....

Unnatural is just a word,
In this Natural World.

Passage through constrictions
Can lend a sense of discomfiture.

But the churning of light inside stars
Connects to the Birthing of a human child.
Unlikely Friendships journeying through
Fleeting Constraints,
In the sea of human circumstances,
Connecting to beautiful Moss on Rocks
In the wild gardens we inhabit
with their snakes and apples.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sermon on Humour

A base form of humour is making fun of others.

An enlightened form of humour is making fun of dear friends and being made fun of by dear friends and always in good overall proportions.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Thursday, April 16, 2015

funnies + spring + heartbreak + geeky

A physicist with a broken heart sees the disproportionate number of new, wild spring blossoms everywhere and thinks there is no conservation law for flowering and wilting of hope.

funnies + heartbreak

A was in love with B. C is A's friend, and of B's through A.

B : I am afraid of a rat in my apartment.

C : Do you have a friend with a cat ?

A : B is allergic to cats.

C : Ah A, were you that friend ??

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

"running away"

The poet may hold
a simple word or two
and be wrung in to opposites.

Like running away to the future,
to the words that may bring erasure
-- if not new hope --

running away from the words
in the same heartbroken beat, from the past,
to hide the melancholia
from the kind page
that wears no mask.


The poet may hold
a simple word or two
and be wrung in to opposites.

Like running away to the future,
to the words that may bring erasure
-- if not new hope --

running away from the words
in the same tearing heartbeat, from the past,
to hide the melancholia
from the kind page
that wears no mask.

PS : Writing "heartbroken" is a little heartbreaking. But it is also a form of acknowledgement.

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Idea of Soul

The farmer and the land
coming together
like the cueist and the cue,
the balls, the velvet and the pockets,
a lean thought and the thinker,
a sure action and the doer,
a regurgitation of a worn line by a pedant.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Fortune Cookie funnies

Fortune Cookie : "A fascinating project is in your future"
Isn't that always the case ? :)

Friday, February 20, 2015

Fortune Cookie Funnies

Fortune Cookie : "Your example will inspire others."
... to not repeat the mistakes committed.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fortune Cookie Funnies

Fortune Cookie : "You discover treasures where others see nothing unusual."
Indeed, a tennis ball by the side of the road :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sermon on Scientific Establishment

Opinions are just opinions. Facts have to be checked. Fads are the worst.


applies to any Establishment thinking.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Here's a quote ...

Following a quote is always harder than appreciating a quote. Even this one.

Fortune Cookie Funnies

Fortune Cookie : "A loved one is of utmost importance at this time"

Response A : Good way to promote your stock ;)

Response B : or perhaps a loved many like you :)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Funnies + Geeky + Meta

There are two kinds of physicists : a) whose jokes have the right physics, b) and those whose do not.


There are two kinds of logicians : a) whose jokes have the logic right, b) whose do not.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Fortune Cookie Funnies

Fortune Cookie : "Just be yourself; you are wonderful."
Isn't that fortunate !