After two decades playing international cricket, how has he so ruthlessly accumulated these runs? "The secret to batting is to stay still and just react to what the bowler has done," he says, making it all sound simple. "You have to be still both in your mind and physically. It is so important that your mind is not full of a lot of thoughts because your reaction time is not going to be good. You have to keep your mind blank.
"The toughest thing is to clear your mind. The mind always wants to be in the past or the future; it rarely wants to be in the present. My best batting comes when my mind is in the present, but it doesn't happen naturally. You have to take yourself there. I am not able to get in that zone as often as I would like, but when you are there you don't see anything except the bowler and the ball. You have to allow your instincts to take over. Trust me, your instincts are 99% right, but you know, the older I get the more I realise how important your breathing is to good batting. By that I mean, if you focus on breathing and relaxing, you can force yourself into a comfortable place to bat."
- Sachin Tendulkar in an interview
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