Let not a single thought
Much too obsess you.Become it'll, I doubt not,
A giant fireball. Consume you.
Feed it not another thought,
lest it became a cranial gout.
Feed it not another thought,
lest it became a cranial gout.
Trifles forgotten, ah but all forgot !
It'll rein you thither, around, about.
Play not with fire, they say,
in their wisdom infinite.
It'll rein you thither, around, about.
Play not with fire, they say,
in their wisdom infinite.
Fight this fiery monster, I say
slay it with all your might.
Let it not push you around,
you're no so so boy,
We will fight, teeth and sound
till our sanity holds sway.
Till the world revolves around,
we might have to fight,
but we must, we are bound,
till our enemy sees flight.
And then we'd bid kind adieu,
for our souls will be cleansed,
we'd harbor no residue
of ill-will, hate or incense.
For we are just curious kids
in a ripe universe,
playing about, tied to her bids,
Immaturity our curse.
But we will grow up too
and make our enemy our friend
and each thought, given its due,
will coexist amongst a blend
of insights and ruminations,
syllogisms and paradoxes,
all our mind's concoctions
like colours in colour boxes.
Yes, Yes, there's hope
for sanity and the sane.
O Rational Man ! Vouch to fight and cope,
for thought's dear own sake - Amen.
An Apology in Post Script
PS : As for me, O dear Reader,
'm an incompetent pursuer,
And there's something I greatly fear.
Lend to me a kind gentle ear.
After all, What is a Poem ?,
but - to me - a device sincere.
Shows where the poet is coming from.
Is Not - I strongly feel - a liar's gear.
And who is the worst liar ?
A simple man in a trap severe ?
Or our well meaning mischief maker ?
No, unforgivable is the unbelieving Preacher !
Hence sermonizing I try avoid,
'cause I'm a lazy man in plain speech.
I'd rather dream in an empty void
Than Practice not what I preach.
So then, the first poem was to be
a reflection on obsession,
Got carried away, me poet wannabe,
Off in a different direction.
Moved I was to relate,
quite involuntarily,
For what reason I forget,
Except I was guilty,
of thinking thoughts perhaps trifling,
over and over and over again.
Till I was pretty much obsessing,
Exaggerate if I may, going insane.
Probably a happy accident
delivered me sane again,
Rid of the predicament,
I set to write then -
Or maybe, in the throes
of useless synaptic firing -
in verse as opposed to prose.
I forget the timing.
Started I to write earnestly,
stumbled onto a writer's block.
Gave up too soon too easily,
Should have shown some pluck.
Chanced again on those scribbled
stanzas, on a random day.
Read them quick, then dribbled
the idea of finishing without delay.
But the muse had other ideas,
Ended up writing what you read.
Seeded though the poem was
with a different dye and different thread,
To me it read differently.
A Cry against thinking Singly,
dogmatically, fanatically.
A Cry for thinking rationally.
Alas ! it is ironical,
that this chance meandering
on a landscape literal,
sedimented something
that pertains only too closely,
to the times we inhabit presently.
Thus, veer I did, but sadly,
this apology seems unnecessary.
A farewell note, my dear Reader -
Tolerate this poem affably.
Apologetic it may appear,
but is not written insincerely.
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