Here's a thought I'd had a few years ago : Our society as a group of individuals is automatically susceptible to Intolerance. Given a starting situation of many tolerant individuals and few intolerant ones, and a finite probability of evangelism/conversion to a set of (intolerant) ideals, intolerance has to grow with time, if we go by the ideal definition of tolerance as allowing anyone his/her own beliefs. Obviously, and paradoxically, the tolerant majority(if ever there's one) has to intolerantly force the group to tolerance, like a strong magnetic field magnetises a chunk of magnet against entropy.
Update on 2nd Nov' 17 :
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When Did Tribalism Get To Be So Fashionable?
"Both the text and the figure in the piece show clearly the devastating effects these shibboleth machines have, not only on others, but on themselves. After a particular shibboleth machine dominates, the system—thanks to errors induced by neutral drift—enters a period of large-scale instability. Their society (such as it is) collapses as mothers birth daughters who engage in civil war. It’s a generic feature of intolerant systems: unless you switch off cultural evolution itself, a strategy of total war against non-copies will be vulnerable to misrecognition. Imagine a less-tolerant subspecies, which takes less care to avoid killing fellow members of its tribe, emerges; it will outcompete its more cautious brothers, driving them to extinction. (There should be a theorem hidden in there somewhere, though I haven’t gone so far as to prove it.)"
Update on 2nd Nov' 17 :
Read in
When Did Tribalism Get To Be So Fashionable?
"Both the text and the figure in the piece show clearly the devastating effects these shibboleth machines have, not only on others, but on themselves. After a particular shibboleth machine dominates, the system—thanks to errors induced by neutral drift—enters a period of large-scale instability. Their society (such as it is) collapses as mothers birth daughters who engage in civil war. It’s a generic feature of intolerant systems: unless you switch off cultural evolution itself, a strategy of total war against non-copies will be vulnerable to misrecognition. Imagine a less-tolerant subspecies, which takes less care to avoid killing fellow members of its tribe, emerges; it will outcompete its more cautious brothers, driving them to extinction. (There should be a theorem hidden in there somewhere, though I haven’t gone so far as to prove it.)"
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